I did a pretty bad job of updating you on the past events of my life from these past few months, however I am going to try to do a Better job of trying to update you on how the Glorious Wedding planning is going :)
Here is a quick recap of what I have accomplished up to this point so far...
First of all, in case you didn't know, the Big day is July 9 2011! It seems pretty far away, but at the same I know it is going to go by so fast, it already has! I have already been engaged for 7 months! :)
First of all, The wedding is going to be at Borculo CRC in Borculo MI. It is on the corner of Port Sheldon, and 96th st.

Secondly, we have our reception hall booked, and it is at the Trestle Stop in Hamilton MI.

Third, I have my Wedding Dress Ordered! :) I bought it from September's Bride in Holland, LOVE THAT PLACE!!! I would recommend going there to anyone! :)
We also have our photographer booked, Mindy Leigh Photography. She also was the photographer for my friend's kristen and joe, and I am very excited to have her as my photographer as well! Actually, just Wednesday night we had our Engagement pictures! I am really excited about them!
Those are the main things that I have planned already. Right now I am on the hunt for a Good DJ, I am looking at Complete Music, DJpushPlay, and also Dance Track Dj's. :)
Other things I am starting to look into are Cake places, and Floral places.
I think everything is on track.
After taking a couple months off from my own wedding to participate in my friend's weddings, I am excited to get back into Planning my own!
Last week Friday, I went to to the Grand Rapids Wedding Affair!
SO FUN!!!!!
well, that is all the updating for now!
Have a fun weekend!