“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Life is a rollercoaster - Enjoy reading about my Ups and Downs while planning my wedding, working, going to school, weight loss, and the everyday life events.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Engagement Pictures & Other Updates

Yay! Good News, my photographer, Mindy Leigh Photography posted our engagement pictures to her blog! http://mindyleigh.com/blog/?p=5589 Feel free to check them out! I absolutely LOVE them! They turned out perfect, and I could not have asked for anything better. Mindy is so so so Talented! :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wedding Galore

Happy Tuesday!
Just wanted to share a little news about the wedding happenings of late :)
Two weekends ago I took my 2 Maid of Honors to Septembers Bride in Holland to scope out our bridesmaids dress choices and ended up choosing, what I think, is an EXCELLENT dress! It looks great on both of the girls, and Kaylin is really tall and Kristen is really short and it looked great on both girls. They also both really loved it, so it was obvious that it was the dress :)
The only dillema that I had then was colors! I stressed a TON over this! The dress came in the color green that I wanted, however they didn't have all the colors I wanted for my original accent sash colors. Originally I wanted each bridesmaid to have a different Sash color of the really bright colors like Hot pink, Orange, Bright Blue and bright purple.. those types.. however this dress company didn't really have those colors. SO, I had to change plans... which is a little hard for me when I am REALLY stuck on something, but overall I think it will work out for the Best!
My final decision on the colors ended up being a Peridot Green as the main dress color and then Turquoise as the Sash color :).
So just this past saturday I went with most of my bridesmaids to get the dresses ordered! So exciting! I just have one more who needs to get it ordered and then we are all set!
The only thing I have to decide on now is what shoe color :) I am thinking of going with Turquoise shoes as well to match the sash color and then I will have Green shoes :)
Here is a picture of the dress...

Also, we have been trying to contact different DJ's and also are scheduling a Cake Tasting with Second Floor Bakery in Holland soon :)

Other than that, life is really crazy with School. I have so many different projects and such due, on top of trying to work a 40 hours week, it doesn't leave much time left over for friends or wedding planning. Kind of stressful, but I will survive!