“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Life is a rollercoaster - Enjoy reading about my Ups and Downs while planning my wedding, working, going to school, weight loss, and the everyday life events.

Friday, February 25, 2011

I can never think of a good title for these posts, so today I am just going to leave it blank :)

As usual another busy week. Monday night baby-sitting, Tuesday night class, Wednesday work on the house, Thursday Class and finally... FRIDAY!

Each week is the same though, just filled with so much business. However, I can't complain because all of the reasons for feeling so overwhelmed are all good things, it just is a little much to handle sometimes.

I am trying to just deal with everything that is a part of my life right now. The wedding is a little over 4 months away, so I know I still have some time... but 4 months to me is NOT a lot! especially with how busy my weeks are! And then there is school. Tuesday/Thursday classes, no big deal... but my Math class is killing me! Then on top of that, I want to be able to help out with the house renovations when I can find time. And then of course work 8-5 everyday.

Thankfully I am taking Monday off from work. I feel I really truly deserve a break. A Long weekend to clear my head. :)

Well... let me share some pictures of the big project in life right now... renovations of the House! Now, let me clear something up... this is not me and Kris' house. It is actually our friend's Matt and Tracee's house. It is a big farm house, and upstairs was all nasty and not being used... so it is in the process of being renovated into an apartment for Kris and I! :) So here you go :)

so those are just a FEW pictures :)

Wedding wise... this is what I am working on now. ALL of the little things!!!! SO many little details! Sheesh. Hopefully Monday Kris and I are going to be able to go and pick out the Men's ware so we can have that all set! I also want to start picking out the ceremony music, and try to figure out what vows we will use, and the order of the wedding and such...
Also, I am going to start to make any DIY projects we are going to have... such as fabric flower wreaths for the doors :) (SO CUTE!)
Another big thing is TRANSPORTATION! we have decided we aren't getting a Limo :( and we TRIED TRIED TRIED to get the Holland Trolley or the Grand Rapids one, but they were both booked :( I was SO bummed! But, now we are trying to find a cool car or something?
Those are just a few of the details I am trying to work on now. Those little details are really getting to me... and have me all stressed out!
Good news though, my dress is about the be PAID OFF! and then it will be completely mine! So exciting!

Oh... another big thing happening right now, is I am back on Weight Watchers (I know... trying to lose weight AGAIN!) I am terrible at sticking with it, but this time I am going to! No giving in! So far so good though! The first full week of it I lost 3 lbs! :) YES! I am hoping to keep losing at this rate :)

So, despite being terribly busy and having a hard time finding time for friends or time for myself I am trying to remember how blessed I truly am.
I have amazing friends who care about me, a solid job, Caring family, and an absolutely WONDERFUL fiance who loves me SO much! God is good... all the time. All the time... God is good!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Busy Busy Busy
That is my life.
I really do enjoy keeping busy, but sometimes I wish I had more time to just go home and sit and do Nothing. I honestly don't even usually have one night a week to be able to do that. I feel as if every moment of my time is dedicated to something. Occasionally I have a few moments here and there to be able to just relax for a minute and check facebook, but then it is off to the next thing. I hardly ever have multiple hours to just be able to be.
Right now, School and Wedding are my top priorities. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have class, and then most of my other free time during the week is for Homework. Next I baby-sit every other Monday, which I love! And I am trying to find time to be able to spend time with my friends, because that is something I enjoy, but it is hard.

The Wedding... now this is starting to become my time consumer, and honestly I am starting to get a little nervous about getting things done. I am getting down to DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS. Now that all of the major things are done, and booked and set, I have to focus on the little details, and let me tell you, those are Killer!
I am so used to have SO MUCH TIME to plan this wedding, and I just reached the barely under 5 month mark, and it is starting to freak me out!

I just need to learn to breathe and take my days one moment at a time. I know that everything will be worked out in the end, I will be able to survive this semester and finish up at the end of April. I will be able to find time to finish up wedding details, and July 9 will come and go, and it will all be over.

My next big focus now is Weight Loss. I have tried and tried and tried for many years, but I really want to get my act together now. I have 5 months to get in the best shape I can for the wedding. I don't want to look back at my pictures someday and be like, "How could I let myself get that bad?" So I really want to push to be the best I can be. I have a larger goal for after the wedding, but for now I need to focus on my smaller goal for the wedding. It 's just another thing on my mind.

So all in all... I am a busy busy girl! But I am trying to enjoy every little bit of it, because every moment in life counts!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snowmagedon 2011

I would just like to say, I managed to survive Snowmagedon 2011! This week has been a very exciting week for me! The Blizzard started Tuesday night, meaning my class was canceled Tuesday night so I had the night off (so amazing). Then... the major Blizzard hit, crippling West Michigan, dumping Hudsonville with approx 18 inches of snow Tuesday night, into Wednesday... meaning, most people were stuck at home on Wednesday... Including me! This was so wonderful, and such a blessing. I was able to sleep in and try to battle this cold, clean my room, and I did 4 hours of homework in the afternoon, which got me all caught up! Then, miracles of miracle, class was canceled Thursday night as well! So here I am, on a Thursday night, all caught up on all of my homework, and just enjoying sitting at home doing a whole lot of nothing except for catching up on all the little random projects I wanted to get done :)

So... lets update you on my recent Wedding accomplishments.
One important thing to mention is, the bridesmaid dresses have come in! Most of the girls have gone and gotten them fitted as well, and a few of them have ordered their shoes as well! We are just a little over 5 months away, so it is starting to get to be crunch time! :)
Also, we met with Picket Fence floral last week Saturday, and decided they would be doing our flowers! We talked about everything that we would be doing, and I am SO VERY excited to work with them! We told them how much we have to spend, and we will go with her to the wholesaler and just pick out the flowers I want! We are also going to get some potted plants from local greenhouses and have them up front of the church as well :) I LOVE flowers, so I am so excited! We also decided that we will be making our own bouquets ! This will be so fun!

I also have created all of my table numbers, and my invitations are all designed and ready to be ordered when it comes time :) I also have a bunch more DIY projects I want to get done soon as well!
So much wedding stuff to do! It is crazy really.
Also, big news for Kris and I is that we finally know where we are going to live! Friends of ours have a farm house, and the upstairs was completely empty and needed to be redone. So... we are going to redo it and live upstairs! We have already started, and have almost completely gutted the upstairs already!
Whew... so much is going on!
I just wanted to write a quick update :)